LSaaS GuideCosmos LSDCosmos LSD App

Cosmos LSD App is a user interface where users can stake, unstake and get latest information about the project. As a convention in web3 all API users interact with are directly from the RPC configured in wallet, so the app is a pure DApp.

Cosmos LSD App Homepage

Cosmos LSD App Notification Page

Build your own LSD App

Setup Node.js env

  1. Fork code on GitHub
  2. Install Node.js >=v16
  3. Install yarn via npm: npm install --global yarn
  4. Enter project root directory then install all dependencies via terminal: yarn
  5. Start app by: yarn dev

Config your app

  • Change branding links and text here: config/appConf/app.json
// here are some config examples in app.json
  "appTitle": "ETH LSD App", // title of this app
  "chain": {
    // supported chains
    "supportChains": ["Neutron"]
  "icons": {
    "tokenImg": "/images/token/token_green.svg", // icon of token
    "lsdTokenImg": "/images/token/lsdToken.svg", // icon of lsd token
    "chainImg": "/images/neutron_chain.png" // icon of chain
  "detailedInfo": {
    // audit info in Detail Info section
    "audit": {
      "nameList": ["Peckshield", "Blocksec"],
      "link": ""
    "listedIns": [
        "name": "Coingecko",
        "link": ""
  "auditList": [
    // by which the lsd contracts are audited
      "name": "PeckShield", // name and icon are shown on the top of the app
      "icon": "/images/audit/peck_shield.svg",
      "iconDark": "/images/audit/peck_shield_dark.svg"
  "faqList": [
    // FAQs list
      "title": "What are the factors that affect the staking rewards?", // question title
      "contents": [
        // answer of the question, it's comprised of a list of pure texts and links
          "type": "text",
          "content": "To learn more about how staking rewards are calculated, please read:\n"
          "type": "link",
          "content": "\n",
          "link": ""
  "externalLinkList": [
    // external links related to the app which shown in the setting drawer
      "name": "Docs",
      "link": ""
  "contactList": [
    // media list shown in the setting drawer
      "type": "Twitter",
      "link": ""
  "tokenPriceUrl": ",neutron-3&vs_currencies=usd" // api to query token price
  • Set your pool address and lsd configs on Testnet here: config/appConf/dev.json
  • Set your pool address and lsd configs on Mainnet here: config/appConf/prod.json
// config structures are identical in dev.json and prod.json
// dev.json will be used when you build with `yarn build:dev`
// prod.json will be used when you build with 'yarn build`
  "stakeManagerContract": "neutron1humx752uqvxn2jfenh5524md0ta23usm8m2lesaxw47fps28yx5syztnk5", // address of stake manager contract
  "poolAddress": "cosmos193sx2unjy8u8kyrg247k7evcanmcktk88shv934066wlhm7aqljsng9593", // address of pool contract
  "chains": {
    "neutron": {
      // chain config of neutron
      "chainName": "Neutron Testnet",
      "chainId": "pion-1",
      "rpc": "",
      "restEndpoint": "",
      "denom": "untrn",
      "coinDenom": "NTRN",
      "decimals": 6,
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "neutron",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "neutronpub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "neutronvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "neutronvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "neutronvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "neutronvalconspub"
      "explorerUrl": "",
      "gasLimit": "80000",
      "isNativeKeplrChain": false
    "lsdTokenChain": {
      // chain config of lsd token
      "chainName": "Cosmos-Testnet",
      "chainId": "cosmos-stafi-1",
      "lsdTokenName": "rATOM",
      "rpc": "",
      "restEndpoint": "",
      "denom": "uatom",
      "coinDenom": "ATOM",
      "decimals": 6,
      "bech32Config": {
        "bech32PrefixAccAddr": "cosmos",
        "bech32PrefixAccPub": "cosmospub",
        "bech32PrefixValAddr": "cosmosvaloper",
        "bech32PrefixValPub": "cosmosvaloperpub",
        "bech32PrefixConsAddr": "cosmosvalcons",
        "bech32PrefixConsPub": "cosmosvalconspub"
      "explorerUrl": "",
      "defaultApr": "28", // default apr of lsd token
      "stakeReserveAmount": 0.05, // amount of balance which will be reserved when staking
      "gasLimit": "80000",
      "isNativeKeplrChain": false,
      "stakeIbcChannel": "channel-11"

Customize Theme

You can change color config in tailwind.config.js, each color has light & dark versions(i.e text1 & text1Dark).

Customize Theme

Build and deploy

Run yarn build or yarn build:dev to build your app, the static files will be placed in out folder. Upload those files to any static web hosting services you like.