LSaaS GuideModulesBlinks Module

Solana Blinks are a new way to interact with the Solana network across various platforms. Blinks function as special URLs that enable users to perform a wide range of blockchain actions directly within social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), with potential expansion to Discord and Reddit.

As part of our LSD stack, we offer this module to project teams, enabling them to deploy and manage their Blinks effortlessly, without requiring additional development effort.


  • Solana LSD only

Setup Node.js env

  1. Fork code on GitHub
  2. Install Node.js >=v16
  3. Install yarn via npm: npm install --global yarn
  4. Enter project root directory then install all dependencies via terminal: yarn
  5. Start app by: yarn dev

The server’s port can be configured in config/appConf/dev.json

Config program accounts

  • Set your network addresses here: config/appConf/dev.json
configdescriptionexample value
lsdProgramIdlsd program ID provided by 61Lab
stakeManagerAccountAddressstake manager address of the LSD network created by Stack App
lsdTokenMintlsd token mint address of the LSD network created by Stack App

Config stake actions

  • Set your stake actions here: config/actions.js

The actions list will be rendered as interactive buttons, e.g.:

export const StakeActions = [
		label: 'Stake 1 SOL', // button label
		amount: 1, // stake amount
		label: 'Stake SOL',
		customAmount: true, // set this to `true` if you want user to input amount
		placeholder: 'Enter the amount of SOL to stake',

Preview the stake function

  1. Install Backpack wallet and set its custom RPC to
  2. Open Dialect, and connect with Backpack wallet
  3. Copy and paste http://localhost:9876/api/actions/stake to the Action URL input
  4. Click Blinks button to send transactions


Dialect only supports Mainnet and Devnet, so the transaction will be timed out shown on the page, but it actually succeeded.

You can view the transaction status on Solana Explorer, remember to set the custom RPC to
