This page describes a general approach on how to write a new module and to share it with the community.
Before you start
Follow these steps to implement a new module:
- Read the architecture and develop documentation to get a comprehensive understanding
- Dive into smart contracts:
- Implement the logic
- Contact StaFi team if you have any questions
- Write documentation
Share your module
StaFi team have made it easy for every community member to participate in contribution. You are encouraged to share your module with a pull request to LSD Stack App. You should prepare these information:
- Name of your module
- A short description
- Resources about the module
- Documentation link
Below is an example pull request.
# filename: interfaces/common.ts
export enum ModuleType {
+ Ccip = 'ccip',
# filename: config/modular/index.ts
export const modularConfigs = {
externalModules: [
+ {
+ type: ModuleType.Ccip,
+ title: 'Chainlink CCIP',
+ description:
+ 'By seamlessly integrating Chainlink‘s robust and secure CCIP functions, this module empowers developers to build and operate dApps with cross-chain capabilities.',
+ externalLink: '',
+ tutorialLink:
+ '',
+ },
supportList: [
[AppEco.Eth]: [
+ ModuleType.Ccip,