LSaaS GuideModulesNeutron Token ICS20 Module

Neutron Token ICS20 Module

This guide explains how to set up and use the CW20-ICS20 contract on Neutron for cross-chain token transfers.


The CW20-ICS20 module enables cross-chain transfers of CW20 tokens (like LSD tokens) between Neutron and other IBC-enabled chains. The process involves deploying a contract, setting up IBC channels, and configuring token allowlists.

Setup Process

1. Deploy CW20-ICS20 Contract

First, deploy the CW20-ICS20 contract on Neutron. This contract can be reused for multiple LSD tokens.

You can find the CW20-ICS20 contract in Cosmos wasm contracts, compile and deploy it

# Deploy the CW20-ICS20 contract on Neutron
# Note: Store your contract deployment commands and contract address
echo "----------------------------- store cw20-ics20 contract -------------------------------"
ics_code_id="$(neutrond tx wasm store "$CW20_ICS0_CONTRACT_PATH" \
    --from "$<your-address>" --gas 50000000 --chain-id neutron-1 \
    --broadcast-mode=sync --gas-prices 0.0025untrn -y \
    --output json --home "$<your-home-path>" \
    --node "$NEUTRON_NODE" |
    wait_tx | jq -r '.events[] | select(.type == "store_code").attributes[] | select(.key == "code_id").value')"
echo "ics_code_id: $ics_code_id"
init_ics20_msg='{"default_timeout":1000,"gov_contract":"'$<your-address>'","allowlist":[{"contract":"'$<your-lsd-token-address>'","gas_limit": 100000}]}'
echo "----------------------------- init cw20-ics20 contract -------------------------------"
ics20_contract_address=$(neutrond tx wasm instantiate "$ics_code_id" "$init_ics20_msg" \
    --from "$<your-address>" --admin "$ADMIN" -y --chain-id neutron-1 \
    --output json --broadcast-mode=sync --label "init-ics20" \
    --keyring-backend=test --gas-prices 0.0025untrn --gas auto \
    --gas-adjustment 1.4 --home "$<your-home-path>" \
    --node "$NEUTRON_NODE" 2>/dev/null |
    wait_tx | jq -r '.events[] | select(.type == "instantiate").attributes[] | select(.key == "_contract_address").value')
echo "CW20 ICS20 Contract address: $ics20_contract_address"

Parameter Description

  1. default_gas_limit: If set, contracts off the allowlist will run with this gas limit. If unset, will refuse to accept any contract off the allow list.
  2. default_timeout: Default timeout for ics20 packets, specified in seconds
  3. gov_contract: who can allow more contracts
  4. allowlist.gas_limit: setting a usable Gas limit for the execution of target chain SubMsg.

2. Create IBC Channel

After deploying the contract, create an IBC channel between Neutron and the target chain. Use the Hermes binary with the following command:

# Replace variables with your specific values
hermes --config $<your-config-dir> create channel \
    --order unordered \
    --a-chain neutron-1 \
    --a-connection connection-{your-connection-id} \
    --a-port "$CW20_ICS20_PORT" \
    --b-port transfer \
    --channel-version ics20-1

Make note of the channel ID that is created, as it will be needed for token transfers.

Note: After creation, make sure that the corresponding channel has been added to the whitelist in your Hermes config file

For example:

policy = 'allow'
list = [

3. Configure Token Allowlist

Add your CW20 token (LSD token) to the allowlist using the CW20-ICS20 contract’s Allow method:

We added the corresponding lsd_token_address to the allowlist during deployment. If we want to add more lsd_token_addresses later, we can perform the Allow operation again

# Execute the Allow method on the CW20-ICS20 contract
# Replace with your specific contract addresses and token details
neutrond tx wasm execute "$ics20_contract_address" \
    '{"allow":{"contract":"'$<your-lsd-token-address>'","gas_limit": 10000000}}' \
    --from "$<your-address>" --gas 50000000 --chain-id neutron-1 \
    --broadcast-mode=sync --gas-prices 0.0025untrn -y \
    --output json --home "$<your-home-path>" \

4. Initiate Token Transfer

To transfer tokens, execute a send operation on your LSD token contract with a specific message. Here’s how to prepare the transfer message:

# Prepare the channel message
channel_msg=$(printf '{
}' "$<your-channel-id>" "$<destination-address>")
# Base64 encode the message
channel_msg_base64="$(echo -n "$channel_msg" | base64 | tr -d '\n' | jq -sRr '@uri')"
# Include the encoded message in the transaction
lsd_token_send_msg=$(printf '{
}' "$ics20_contract_address" "$channel_msg_base64")
# Execute the send operation on your LSD token contract


5. Token Flow

Neutron → Target Chain

  1. LSD tokens are locked in the CW20-ICS20 contract on Neutron
  2. Recipient receives IBC-wrapped tokens (like ibc/E4061FDF70B906A3DE1A8F3B1334329C86DA7C90C96AF1AFCAE81BB72D0E8C89) on the target chain

Target Chain → Neutron

  1. Use standard IBC transfer to send IBC tokens back to Neutron
  2. The CW20-ICS20 contract will:
    • Intercept the IBC packet
    • Release the locked LSD tokens
    • Send them to the specified recipient address
target_chain_binary tx ibc-transfer transfer transfer $<your-channel-id> \
    "$<neutron-address-recipient>" 1000$<token-denom> \
    --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.4 \
    --fees 100000ufee --from $WALLET \
    --chain-id="$<target-chain-id>" --node "$<rpc-endpoint>" \
    -y --output json

Important Notes

  • Always verify contract addresses and channel IDs before executing transfers
  • Ensure sufficient gas fees for all transactions
  • Test with small amounts first
  • Keep track of the channel ID used for transfers