Create Account with StaFi Chain App

Go to StaFi App

Enter StaFi App page, then click the StaFi icon on the upper left corner to select the network.

StaFi Chain Account

Select Network

Select ‘Stafi Mainnet’ and click ‘Switch’ to switch the network.

StaFi Chain Account

Create Account

Click ‘Accounts’ on the upper menu, then select ‘Add account’ to create one.

StaFi Chain Account

Account Setting

Fill in the account name and password twice, and click “Next” to save the entered information.

StaFi Chain Account

Save Account

Click ‘Save’ to create an account and save your JSON file.

StaFi Chain Account

Create Account with Polkadotjs Extension

Please make sure you have installed Polkadotjs extension:

Create StaFi Account

Click “+” to create a new StaFi account on “Add Account” page.

StaFi Chain Account

Account Setting

Click “Copy to clipboard” to copy your wallet’s mnemonic and keep it in a safe place, then click “Next step”.

StaFi Chain Account

Add Network

Input the following info: Network, a descriptive name for your account, a new password for this account and repeated password verification. Then click “Add the account with the generated seed”.

Note: Please select “Stafi” in “Network” column.

StaFi Chain Account


The account creation process is completed, now you have a StaFi account. Please remember to export your account and save the JSON file.

StaFi Chain Account

Save Account

Click ‘Save’ to create an account and save your JSON file.

StaFi Chain Account

Import StaFi Account to Polkadotjs Extension from pre-existing seed

Import Account

Click “Import account from pre-existing seed”

StaFi Chain Account

Input Mnemonic Seed

Input 12 or 24-word mnemonic seed and select “Stafi” on “Network“ column.

StaFi Chain Account

Account Setting

Input the following info: a descriptive name for your account, a new password for this account and repeated password verification. And click “Add the account with the supplied seed”.

Your StaFi account is imported successfully.

StaFi Chain Account