Staking MATIC with StaFi

Staking MATIC with StaFi

How to Stake MATIC with StaFi

Related Wallets


Go to MATIC staking page

Visit the MATIC staking page (opens in a new tab) and click the "Stake" button.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Connect wallet

Click on the “Connect Wallet” button to connect your Metamask wallet.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Input staking amount

Enter the amount of MATIC you would like to stake. Review the amount of rBNB you will receive and the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for staking. Click the "Stake" button to proceed.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Confirm transaction and await for confirmations

Upon clicking “Stake”, you will be redirected to your Metamask wallet. Confirm the transaction details, including gas fees. To proceed, click on the "Confirm" button to sign the transaction. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed and the staking operation to be completed successfully.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Add rMATIC to your wallet

Navigate to the rMATIC Dashboard (opens in a new tab) and click on the "Add rMATIC to Wallet" button. A Metamask prompt will appear, select "Add token" to include rMATIC in your wallet.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Track rewards

Monitor your staked MATIC and its rewards by visiting your Profile (opens in a new tab).

StaFi Stake MATIC

The rMATIC Token

The following are the addresses where rMATIC has been issued on different chains:

Additionally, rMATIC holders can participate in liquidity mining. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit this page (opens in a new tab).

If you need to bridge rMATIC, you can check the bridge guide.

Commission Fee

10% of MATIC staking rewards will be allocated to StaFi DAO.


The rMATIC token has been updated to the EVM LSD architecture, allowing for unstaking directly on Ethereum without the need to bridge to the StaFi Chain.

Go to MATIC unstaking page

Visit the MATIC unstaking page (opens in a new tab), and proceed by clicking on the "Unstake" tab.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Input unstaking amount

Enter the desired amount of rMATIC you would like to unstake, and proceed by clicking on the "Unstake" button.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Confirm transaction and wait for confirmations

After clicking "Unstake," you will be redirected to your Metamask wallet. Confirm the spending cap of MATIC and approve it.

Once confirmed, a second transaction pop-up for staking will appear. Confirm the transaction details, including gas fees. Click the "Confirm" button to sign the transaction.

Wait for the transaction to be confirmed and the unstaking process to be completed successfully.

Unbonding rMATIC takes 3-4 days before it can be withdrawn.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Withdraw unstaked tokens

rMATIC will need to be manually withdrawn from the Withdraw Tab on the rMATIC Dashboard once the unbonding period has ended. Click on “Withdraw” button to proceed.

StaFi Stake MATIC

Receive tokens

Verify the transaction and the associated Gas fees on your Metamask Wallet. To proceed, click on the "Confirm" button to sign the transaction. Upon confirmation of the transaction, MATIC tokens will be withdrawn and sent to your wallet.

StaFi Stake MATIC